Ways and Means

Ways and Means (W&M) is a Guild resource for the purchase of embroidery supplies which are difficult to find, not available locally or non-embroidery items which may be of interest to members.  Items available include quality hoops and stretcher bars, needles, fabrics, scissors, laying tools, magnets, etc.

The W&M stash is available for purchase at Guild meetings or if a member has an immediate need, special arrangements may be made through the co-ordinator.

Embroidery supplies and tools are sourced and ordered to take advantage of large order discounts or bulk mailing.  Items are priced on a cost recovery basis which includes purchase price, taxes and shipping.

Throughout the year, members are notified when a Guild order is being placed.  If a member wishes to purchase from that supplier, they can contact the W&M co-ordinator to have their items included with the Guild order.  When the order arrives, the W&M co-ordinator calculates costs, contacts the members who then get their order at the next meeting or by arrangement.

Members may also request special orders be made for a particular book, kit or other item.  The W&M co-ordinator lets the membership know of this special order and if there is interest, a bulk order is made.

The co-ordinator may also make available prize bags for which tickets are sold at the Guild meeting. Prizes for special events may also be selected from the W&M stash. The proceeds are used to help offset guild activities.

Every few years, an out-from-under-the-bed sale may be organized during which members may sell their own excess embroidery stash or donate it to the Guild for sale at the W&M table with proceeds going to the Guild.